
6 Things To Know About Your Credit Score

Submitted by Rachel on Thu, 04/13/2017 - 04:27
Do you know this about your credit score?
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Your credit score is important because it affects your finances as well as your career opportunities. Your credit score can even affect your personal life because some people take debt into consideration when forming relationships. It’s important to understand your credit score so you ...

What Is the Difference Between a Credit Score and a Credit Report? Facts to Know About FICO

Submitted by Rachel on Thu, 01/26/2017 - 03:30

Credit score
Credit score vs. credit report
Image Source: Flickr User

Your credit score will be critically important throughout your life for a variety of reasons. Your score is based on your credit report, and they are drastically different things. One drives the other, but you ...

What Is a Motion for Relief and What Does It Mean When a Creditor Files One Against You?

Submitted by master on Tue, 12/23/2014 - 13:55


When you're filing for bankruptcy, you're focused on yourself and getting debt-free (and you should be). But there are other parties involved in the process – those you owe. Most of the time, creditors accept a bankruptcy filing and don't try and fight it. But ...

Does the Automatic Stay Protect Your Co-Debtor, Co-Signer or Spouse from Collections

Submitted by master on Sat, 12/20/2014 - 13:45

Stop and stay

No matter which chapter of bankruptcy you choose, Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, as soon as you file, an automatic stay kicks in that stops debt collection efforts. The automatic stay is designed to keep creditors off your back while the Trustee evaluates your petition ...