chapter 7
Changes to FICO Credit Score Calculation Can Benefit Those Dealing with Medical Debt
3 Simple Steps to Improve Your Credit Score – How to Keep Your FICO Climbing After Bankruptcy
Credit cards can help your credit score
Image Source: Flickr CC User Ed Ivanushkin
Many consumers don’t truly understand how credit scores are calculated and are surprised that their scores don't improve despite their best attempts. That’s because the FICO calculation is complex and ...
How to Get Rid of a Judgment Lien with Chapter 7 or 13 Bankruptcy
How Long Can You Stay in Your Home if You Surrender it in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Why Chapter 7 Is Almost Always Better for You – Even If You're Trying to Stop Foreclosure
In the Middle District of North Carolina, more bankruptcy filers choose Chapter 13 than Chapter 7 – it's opted for 20% more than the full discharge plan. But is this the best option for the majority of bankruptcy filers? Chapter 13 can be very useful ...
Why Chapter 7 Is Almost Always Better for You – Even If You're Trying to Stop Foreclosure
In the Middle District of North Carolina, more bankruptcy filers choose Chapter 13 than Chapter 7 – it's opted for 20% more than the full discharge plan. But is this the best option for the majority of bankruptcy filers? Chapter 13 can be very useful ...
What Happens to Your Car in Chapter 7 Bankruptcy? Depends on Your Payment Status and Value
In most areas of North Carolina, a vehicle is a necessity. You need something to drive to get to work, to the grocery store, to pick your kids up from school and activities and to conduct your life. If you're so deep in debt that ...
Why Debtors Choose Chapter 13 Over Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Why It May Be Better For You

Many of our clients that come in for their initial free consultation aren't sure which type of bankruptcy is best for them and many aren't clear on the differences between the most common chapters – seven and thirteen. Our first job is to educate you ...