
What Is the Difference Between a Credit Score and a Credit Report? Facts to Know About FICO

Submitted by Rachel on Thu, 01/26/2017 - 03:30

Credit score
Credit score vs. credit report
Image Source: Flickr User

Your credit score will be critically important throughout your life for a variety of reasons. Your score is based on your credit report, and they are drastically different things. One drives the other, but you ...

7 Credit Score Myths Debunked and the Truth You Need About Improving Your FICO Rating

Submitted by Rachel on Thu, 01/12/2017 - 03:11

7 Credit Score Myths Debunked and the Truth You Need About Improving Your FICO Rating
Credit score myths debunked
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Many people think they understand their credit score, how it’s calculated, and how to improve it, but thanks to a lot of misinformation that’s been perpetuated, their understanding might not be as accurate as they believe. Here’s ...

7 Habits of People With Good Credit Scores – Tips for a FICO Boost in the New Year

Submitted by Rachel on Thu, 12/22/2016 - 03:06
Tips for keeping a good credit score  Image Source:
Tips for keeping a good credit score
Image Source:

After bankruptcy, it’s important to rebuild your credit score, and after you boost it, you need to keep it high. If you’ve struggled with your finances in the past, you need to develop and maintain ...